Arriving Soon.
Wonderment now helps you create more confident customers even earlier than ever before - including pre-purchase. (And yes, that's an ETA pun.)

You'll Be In Great Company
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Build Customer Trust
Wonderment now helps you build customer trust about your delivery experience before the checkout. Set expectations and communicate last dates to ship for major holidays, for each service level with the benefit of your historical data and Wonderment's AI model.

Integrated Experiences, Like You'd Expect
Wonderment has always had powerful integrations with your customer communication platforms. Use your calculated ETAs in your post-purchase messaging to customers, and keep them updated about any changes in delivery expectations. Prevent customer tickets and escalate the most critical issues automatically.

The Checkout Testing Suite You Need
We know that changing your checkout can be nerve-wracking. Wonderment's Checkout A/B Testing Suite lets you measure the conversion rate impact of showing ETAs and understand exactly how much stronger your checkout flow is now. Soon, you'll be able to test shipping offers in checkout as well to help drive shipping upgrades and incremental margin.
Detailed Reporting On Actual Experiences
Wonderment's Delivery Promise Reporting helps you build trust internally that customers are seeing the best possible results. Measure the accuracy of your shipping estimates and adapt to changes in carrier network performance, and have visibility into what expectations you're setting with customers are seeing around the world.

And more coming after that...
This is just the beginning. Excited? We are too. Sign up for first access to Wonderment's new product. A Wonderment Premium or Plus subscription is required.